Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for coming to our Kindergarten Museum on Tuesday.  It was an exciting day for the students who got to show off a lot of the hard work they have completed over the past month or so.  They have much to be proud of!  I hope you have enjoyed looking through their artwork at home too.

The students finished their individual innovations called One, Two, Three, Four.  These went home today in their folders.  I would encourage the children to read them as often as possible and be sure to point to the words as they read.  It is a wonderful way to reinforce their sight words in context.  The students did a great job thinking of different adjectives to describe the animals in their books.

We finished learning about all seven continents this week.  Asia was our last one.  The students brought their continents book home to share with their families earlier this week.  We were very fortunate to have Abhirama’s mom come in to talk about what life in India is like.  She shared a lot of really neat facts about India and talked about some of her experiences there.  She also showed some really neat pictures and videos!

I would encourage you and your child to work a lot on their sight words and math fluency facts over vacation.  May is a big assessment month for us and I will be checking students on both of these skills during the next few weeks.  I would also encourage you to read, read, read as much as possible!

We will be starting our nature unit when we return from our spring break and will be learning about life cycles, trees, seeds, and eventually insects.  We will also be making observations about the signs of spring we see outside.  We will be taking pictures of different places around the school over a 4-6 week period and comparing the pictures every week to see how nature changes.  It may be a fun project for you to do at home too!  I would love to see the pictures when you are done if you do decide to do it!  We actually went for our first nature walk today and took some pictures that we will add to over the next several weeks.

I hope you have a fantastic, fun-filled, and relaxing week of vacation.  I look forward to hearing all the students' stories when they return!

Have a great week!

Melanie Duncan

PS… We will be going to the library the Wednesday after vacation.  Be sure to return your child’s library book.

Wishlist items:  small brown paper bags, large brown paper bags with handles, and brown, black, and white yarn

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