Wednesday, November 8, 2017

November 8, 2017 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We had a very short week but were able to do a lot of really neat things!  We learned about several American symbols and will finish learning about them next week.  The students made a small book about American symbols that I would encourage them to read often at home.  We also drew and painted the Statue of Liberty to add to our displays of bald eagles and our giant American flag.

We enjoyed a Veterans Day Assembly in the gym earlier today and welcomed several veterans that are related to Francis Wyman families.  We said the Pledge of Allegiance, listened to several patriotic songs, and learned some neat facts about the flag and veterans.  The Kindergarten classes even sang a little poem about our flag.  You will have to see if your children remember it!  We also enjoyed sharing about the veterans in our families during one of our morning meetings!

We finished Topic 3 in math.  We will start a new topic next week about comparing numbers 1-10.  I would encourage students to continue practicing number and letter formations at home.  There certainly has been a lot of improvement!

Several students went to the Used Bookstore this morning.  There will be many more throughout the year if your child would like to attend.  The books purchased from the Used Bookstore are for students to keep.  Please be sure to check the back of all books that came home today.  We also went to the library.  If there is a barcode on the back of the book that says Francis Wyman Library, that book needs to be returned two weeks from today when we will visit the library again.

We have been practicing our Readers Theatre for the past two or three weeks.  Students picked an animal, made a mask, and researched their animal.  Students were even a part of writing the script, which was similar to Bill Martin, Jr.’s Polar Bear, Polar Bear book.  We performed it for a final time today and invited our principals, Mrs. McDonald and Mr. Doiron to watch.  They loved it!  The students did a great job and should be very proud of all their hard work!  I will try to post it to my blog for you to be able to enjoy it as well!

There will be no school for the rest of this week.  Tomorrow is a professional development day for teachers and Friday is when Veterans Day is observed.  Thank you to all of our veterans for your dedication and commitment to our country!

I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend!

Melanie Duncan

PS...Please be sure to send in hats, mittens, warmer jackets, etc. for your children now that the temperatures are dropping more...and don’t forget to LABEL EVERYTHING!!!  Thank you!

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