Friday, October 27, 2017

October 27, 2017 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

I hope you are enjoying all the beautiful autumn changes that are happening outside and the beautiful day today too!  It is an exciting time of the year for the children and it is a busy time in the classroom!

We enjoyed our Halloween Parade earlier today and enjoyed seeing many of you there!  It certainly was an exciting day for the students!  We also painted pumpkins this week, did leaf rubbings, and read some fun Halloween stories.

As you can see from the work coming home, the children are continuing to make books.  We have finished the Mom and I Went to the Zoo innovation and have been reading them to each other.  I would encourage the children to reread them as much as possible.  It’s also good to have them point to the words while they read them.  The students also made another class book this week called, “Scarecrow, Scarecrow, How Scary Can You Be?”  The children continue to write in their journals, illustrate poetry, and work with beginning sounds and rhyming.

The students worked very hard on animal research reports this week!  We started the week by learning about bald eagles.  The students drew pictures and wrote about what they eat and where they live.  Then students did their own research about an animal they picked!  They looked at pictures in non-fiction books and listened to me read small excerpts.  We certainly learned a lot of neat facts about animals!

We have been working with numbers 6-10 in math.  These numbers have been tricky to write for many of our students.  I would recommend practicing them as often as possible to help make them easier and more automatic for your child.  Some fun ways to practice include writing the numbers in a tray of salt/sand, spraying shaving cream on the table and using fingers to write the numbers, and writing the numbers on post-its and sticking them all over the house.

We will be focusing on families and homes during the next couple of weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.  The students will make family collages, which will include everyone who lives in their homes and they will also create a class book with their houses and addresses.  It would be helpful if you could work with your child on memorizing his/her street address.  Phone numbers are also useful pieces of information for children to learn.

I will be sending a parent conference schedule home early next week.  Thursday, November 30th is a conference day and there will be no school for students that day.  I will try to fit as many conferences into that day as possible but may do a few on other days as well.  Please look at the schedule when it comes home and let me know if you can’t make it so we can set up another time.

I also wanted to remind everyone to send in the $13 for our Nutcracker field trip as soon as possible since we need to pay in advance for the tickets.

Thank you to all who volunteered to come with us on our Nutcracker field trip on Thursday, December 7th.  Unfortunately I am only able to bring one chaperone this time but have the rest of you on a list in case any tickets become available that morning.  I have already mentioned to other teachers that I would be interested in any extra tickets they may have.  Erica Moffatt is the one that was selected to come.  I will call the rest of you in the order that I drew names in case there are any extra tickets.  I will also let you know when we select a date for our own Kindergarten version of the Nutcracker.  That will be the one you won’t want to miss!

Have a great weekend!

Melanie Duncan

                               Halloween Parade Pictures

                               Leaf Rubbings

                                Teddy Bears and Pumpkins

                               Animals students made from shape tracers

                                Maker Space Stations in the Library

                               Teddy Bear's Picnic Masks
                                Bus safety pictures from Monday.